November 2024 Minutes
Wednesday 20 November 2024
Present: D. Waine (Chair) Debbie Whelan (Clerk), Cllrs W. Green, Cllr D. Dickinson, Cllr P Gregson, Cllr. A Bradbury, Cllr. J Land and Cllr. Sandford
Apologies: None
24/11/01. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
There were none received
24/11/02 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the agenda
There were none received
24/11/03. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum
It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow for 15 minutes of public forum.
24/11/04. Confirmation of Parish Council Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting of the 18 September 2024 were APPROVED.
24/11/05. Reports from outside bodies taking any required action
There were none received.
24/11/06 Residents issues, taking any required action.
There were none received
24/11/07 Financial matters
Payments for this period were APPROVED.
- The bank reconciliation was APPROVED
- The proposed budget was APPROVED. The Clerk is to return the precept estimate to WLDC.
- Banking arrangements update: The Clerk reported that HSBC require another mandate and that this is a prerequisite to apply for online banking. It was reported that the HSBC interest rates are decreasing in line with national trends. The Clerk also placed the proposal for Unity Bank on the table and explained that the options were limited but more beneficial. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk explore whether the Council can open two Instant Access Accounts and one current account. It was AGREED that the Clerk pursue opening bank accounts should this be possible. We can then move our HSBC accounts to Unity Bank.
- The Clerk reported on the process of internet banking and how the signatures would work. It was AGREED to proceed with this and that signatories would be Cllr. Sanford and Cllr. Green.
- The Clerk will proceed with processing the 2023/2024 VAT claim.
The payments for this period are:
DD Bank Charges to 3 Sept £9.00
DD Bank Charges to 3 October £10.00
Cheque 101246 Glendale October £250.14
Cheque 101247 Royal British Legion £50.00
Cheque 101248 Glendale Hedge cutting £135.32
Cheque 101249 PAYE Clerk Oct /Nov £129.20
Cheque 101250 D Whelan £193.60
£777.26 was spent
£ 149.84 interest was received.
The closing total on the Business Current amount is £15,140.55.
NOTE: This continues to reflect the overpayment/repayment of the Glendale account of an amount of £43.66.
The closing total on the Business Money Manager account is £ 30,975.17
It was AGREED that the Clerk applies for the precept estimate of £9,562.00.
24/11/08. Community Speed Watch
Cllrs Land and Sandford will download the data from the Speed Indicator Device. Once the Council has data then a decision can be made about purchasing a second one. This will be raised at the next meeting.
24/11/09. Planning matters
There was one planning application for a change of use. The Clerk circulated this to the Council as per the policy in the Standing Orders. No comments had been received.
24/11/10 Correspondence
There was none received.
24/11/11 Playground areas
Cllr Land will repair the fence as soon as possible.
24/11/12 LALC and website maintenance
The Clerk noted that we were still within our budget with the website maintenance.
The Clerk reported that the Cloud Next subsidy had been successful and that the GOV.UK email addresses have been set up as per recommendations of the audit.
24/11/14 Adoption of standing orders, etc.
The following documents of Council were ADOPTED.
Corporate Procedure Policy
Data Protection Policy
Internal Control
Scheme of Delegation Policy
Scheme of Publication Policy
Standing Orders
Staffing Committee
24/11/15. Any urgent items for discussion
The Staffing Committee appointed for the annual appraisal of the Clerk are Cllr. Dickinson, Cllr. Green and Cllr. Gregson. The Staffing Appraisal will take place before the next meeting of Council in January.
The Clerk is requested to investigate what courses of training are available for Councillors to attend. This will be circulated.
24/11/17. Next Meeting
Next meeting 22 January 2025
The meeting closed at 20.30pm