April 2024 Minutes EOM
email: faldingworthpc@hotmail.com
NOTE: Minutes are in DRAFT until approved at the following Council Meeting
Memorial Hall Faldingworth
Thursday 18th April 2024
Present: Cllrs. D. Waine (Chair), A. Bradbury, D. Dickinson, W. Green, P. Gregson, J. Land
One member of the public.
24/04/01 Appointment of a Minutes taker in the absence of the Clerk
Resolved that Cllr Green be appointed to take the Minutes
24/04/02 Apologies for absence
There were none
24/04/03 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda
Cllr Green declared an interest in item 24/04/05, and took no part in the discussion or vote
24/04/04 Suspension of the Meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum
Resolved that the meeting be so suspended
The member of the public present raised two items:
He and his child were nearly run over when crossing the A46 at the junction with Spridington Road by a van which swung into the A46 without seeing them beginning to cross. Could the ‘Give Way’ sign be changed to ’Stop’?
The Chair pointed out that items raised should relate to items on the Agenda,but suggested that an email could be sent to the Clerk, to be forwarded on to the appropriate authority as roads are not a Parish Council function.
The second item related to grass cutting on the Play Area and Playing field with a request that the grass be cut before the start of school holidays as the grass was very long.
The Chair said there had been a problem with grass cutting in view of the rain but this request would be borne in mind.
24/04/05 To consider proposals for the cleaning of the Play Area and equipment
Members discussed the feasibility of doing the work between themselves, but recalled the length of time taken previously for 4 of them to do just some cleaning and tidying on the Play Area, so reluctantly concluded this was not a viable option. One verbal quotation and one formal quotation had been obtained for the work from Contractors and it was Resolved that the (lower) formal quotation received from S and F Boryszczuk in the sum of £2000.00 be accepted, with the work to be done as soon as possible.
24/04/06 Purchase of a Speed Indicator
Members had resolved to purchase a Speed Indicator and £30mph/40mph signs at their meeting on 20th March 2024. A revised quotation was submitted with an amended number of speed signs and it was Resolved that a solar power Speed Indicator be purchased at a total cost of £3450 plus carriage, but that purchase of speed signs be deferred for further investigation of alternatives available.
24/04/07 Date of next meeting (which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting)
15th May 2024
The Meeting closed at 8.15 pm