March 2024 Minutes



Wednesday 20 March 2024 

Present: D. Waine (Chair) Debbie Whelan (Clerk), Cllr D. Dickinson, Cllr P Gregson, Cllr. A. Bradbury, Cllr. John Land

One member of the public was present.

24/03/01.   Apologies

Apologies were sent by Cllr. Green. The Council has received the resignation letter of Cllr. Thompson. His commitment and contribution is acknowledged and the Clerk will send him a message of thanks.

24/03/02:    To receive declaration of interest in any item on the agenda

None was received.

24/03/03.   To suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum

This was proposed and accepted. 

A parishioner asked what the parameters for expenditure are with Section 106 money. The fence to the right-hand side of the playing field is being systematically damaged. If the fence requires replacing, then we will need to replace it. Cllr. Waine will inspect and come up with suggestions. 

Speed indicator on the triangle – Cllr. Land has volunteered to recharge the speed indicator. Cllr. Gregson will check with Mark Thompson with respect the key for the indicator. 

A parishioner raised a query as to who looks after the village website as it reflects a number of facilities which no longer exist.  The Clerk will investigate.   

24/03/04   Confirmation of Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of the 17 January 2024 were APPROVED.

24/03/05.    Reports from outside bodies, taking any required action:

The Lamp of Peace was raised with the Village Hall. They indicated that should we purchase the lamp then it would form part of the D-Day Landings celebrations on the 6th June. It was AGREED that this would be purchased by the Clerk.

24/03/06.     Resident’s issues, taking any required action: 

The request for a fenced off dog area by a parishioner in Jubilee Avenue was read. The Chair reiterated the process which we had gone through in the last financial year indicating the cost of £3064.00. Whilst this is not a problem in itself, it becomes much more difficult and much more expensive to cut the playing field grass. Further, as the Parish Council, we become compelled to be responsible for any dog waste not collected. The biggest issue is seen as being a problem with management and accountability. It was AGREED that the Clerk would investigate setting up a Google Poll which needs to be approved by the Council in order to have guidance and information. Notices will be put up on the notice boards to allow for people that are not on Facebook. 

24/03/07.    Financial Matters:

- The payments as indicated were APPROVED
- The Bank Reconciliation was presented and APPROVED 
- The Clerk is to circulate the approved budget/expenditure for 2023/2024 for clarity. 
- Banking arrangements to be held over to the next meeting. The Clerk is to contact HSBC with respect to removing names from the signatories. Once this has been done, then the transfer across to TSB will need to be actioned, depending on the interest rates offered.  

Payments in the February/March period.

The following were APPROVED for payment:

DD         Bank Charges – 25 January 2024      £   11.00
Cheque 101222   HMRC   PAYE (February/March)      £ 161.40
Cheque 101223   Clerk Salary   February/March      £ 161.40
DD         Bank charges – 25 February         £   12.00
TOTAL                        £ 345.80


EFT   Interest   Gross interest to 30 November         £ 148.32
TOTAL                        £ 148.32

Cllr. Waine has purchased a new defibrillator battery to the value of £354.00. He will submit his invoice for reimbursement at the beginning of April.

The Business Current Account closed with a balance of £16,454.57
The Business Money Manager Account closed with a balance of £30,814.66

24/03/08.   Community Speed watch:

The Clerk reported that the interaction with Councillors from WLDC has been frustrating. It was AGREED that the Clerk would continue to request for support and report back to Councillors accordingly. Cllr Gregson proposed that we purchase one speed indicator. It was AGREED that the Clerk investigate this purchase, together with twelve 30mph and four 40mph signs. It was also noted that there are already three existing poles at each entrance to the Village for speed indicators. 

24/03/09.    Planning Matters:

It was AGREED to be held over to the next meeting, given the absence of Cllr. Green.

24/03/10.    Correspondence: 

There was none received.

24/03/11.   Playground areas:

The Wicksteed report mentioned the length of the grass and it was also noted that it was very wet. Grass cutting there is urgent. The Clerk will follow this up with Glendale. 

The parameters for the cleaning have been established. However, cleaning of the equipment has become a problem. The Chair noted that he has spoken to Jim Backus to use the water supply in the field. Steve Boryszczuk will return with a quotation. 

Cllr. Waine noted that the rubbish bin in the playground is full. The Clerk is to remind WLDC waste removal services to remedy this. 

24/03/12.   LALC and website maintenance:

There are sufficient hours remaining in the website maintenance payment.

24/03/15.    Urgent items for discussion:

A query with respect to a bulk storage facility for plastic oil tanks at Sycamore Barns was raised. The Clerk was requested to report this to the WLDC in order that they could investigate the nature of the business with respect to change of usage, from agricultural to industrial if pertinent. 

The Clerk reported the process for replacing Cllr. Thompson. The Clerk would action this process with WLDC.

24/03/16.    Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the Faldingworth Parish Council will be held on 15 May 2024 at 7.30pm. This will be the AGM and the Parish.

The meeting closed at 8.38pm.