July 2024 Minutes



Wednesday 17 July 2024

Present: D. Waine (Chair) Debbie Whelan (Clerk), Cllrs W. Green, Cllr D. Dickinson, Cllr P Gregson, Cllr. J Land and Cllr. A Bradbury

Two members of the public were present

24/07/01.    To receive apologies and reasons for absence

There were no apologies.

24/07/02   To receive declarations of interest on any item on the agenda

There were none received

24/07/03.   To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum

It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow for 15 minutes of public forum.

Members of the public raised concerns about the development that was intended for the property between the Council houses and the playing field on Lincoln Road. They considered that the development was inappropriate and would impact greatly on the traffic which already is problematic, and that there was little about it which would be of benefit to Faldingworth. Whilst there was potential for encouraging development and also compelling support with traffic calming, it was proposed to address this under the appropriate item in the agenda,

A member of the public raised the potential of signposting the village more formally, particularly with white fence. It was proposed to address this under the appropriate item in the agenda.

24/07/04.   Confirmation of Parish Council Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of the 15 May 2024 were APPROVED. 

The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the 29 May 2024 were APPROVED.

24/07/05.   Reports from outside bodies taking any required action

The Clerk reported that WLDC had made contact about the hedge running between the A46 and Compton Terrace. They reverted to note that the homeowners had cut the hedge.

24/07/06   Residents issues, taking any required action. 

The Clerk reported that a complaint had been forwarded to WLDC on behalf of a parishioner regarding trees which were not on their land, for removal. Thus far, there has been no feedback.

24/07/07   Financial matters

-   Payments for this period were APPROVED subject to noting an overpayment of £43.66 to Glendale Countryside Ltd.
-   The bank reconciliation was APPROVED subject to the above caveat.
-   The running budget was APPROVED subject to the above caveat and requirements to update Bank Charges
-   Banking arrangements update: The Clerk reported that TSB no longer offer accounts for NPOs and that they would not be able to assist. The Clerk suggested that an approach be made to HSBC to establish whether the Parish would be able to transfer to more beneficial banking, and also move to online banking. It was AGREED that the Clerk approach HSBC with respect to the former, and establish clear guidelines for the requirements of the latter.
-   The Clerk reported that the insurance renewal with Gallagher had been activated.

Cheque 101237    Gallagher Insurance   £ 716.56
Cheque 101238    Glendale Countryside   £ 317.80
DD         Bank charges       £16.00
Cheque 101239   Glendale Countryside   £ 476.70
Cheque 101240   Paul Elliott (PAYE)   £144.00
Cheque 101242   Clerk Salary and postage   £ 204.40
Cheque 101241   HMRC PAYE       £ 129.20
There was a total of £2004.66 spent
An amount of £160.51 was received in interest

The closing total on the Business Current amount is £17,167.83

The closing total on the Business Money Manager account is £30,975.13

24/07/08.   Community Speed Watch

The Speed Indicator Device has been erected and the old device mounted on the entrance at the Market Rasen end of the A46. The operation of the device relies on people dropping to the right speed limit, rather than notifying drives of their speed. It was reported that the old device on the Market Rasen end seemed to be effective. It was raised that the solar powered device was understood to be more animated. It was AGREED that the Clerk would raise this with Messagemaker signs.

It was AGREED that the Clerk forward information regarding entry fences to the village in order to signpost the village more clearly and also contact WLDC with respect to permission to erect such at the entrances to the village.

Cllr Land reported discussions with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and the cost of signs. It was proposed that Cllr Land request a pro-forma invoice for 6x40mph signs and 12x30mph signs which would cost around £150. Cllr Land undertook to establish more information and costs of hand held speed guns and the parameters required for Community Speed Watch groups.

24/07/09.   Planning matters

- Planning application Wl/2024/00531 – Fishing cabins on Lincoln Road.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk respond to West Lindsey District Council raising an objection in respect of the matter of the development along Lincoln Road, noting the Council’s concern based on the already high traffic volumes, problematic access to the site, and that the overly dense development presents no evident benefit to Faldingworth. 

- Planning protocols

It was proposed that Cllr Green draw up a clear protocol for addressing planning matters for inclusion into the Standing Orders of Faldingworth Parish Council.

24/07/10   Correspondence

The Clerk noted the offer by WLDC to participate in a region wide planning initiative aimed at creating cohesive and meaningful built environments. It was proposed that the Clerk attend on behalf of Faldingworth Parish Council.

24/07/11   Playground areas

Repairs to playground equipment are outstanding: Cllr Land reported that these would be completed. 

24/07/12   LALC and website maintenance

The Clerk noted that we were still within our budget with the website maintenance.

The Clerk reported that Cloud Next offer an entry package for web hosting. This would allow for 25 gov.uk addresses and would cost around £60 per annum. It was AGREED that the Clerk pursue this in order to move off Hotmail and into a more official domain.

24/07/13   Co-option of Councillor

Co-option notices elicited a single applicant to serve as Councillor. Phil Sandford was duly co-opted onto the Faldingworth Parish Council. 

24/07/14   Adoption of standing orders, etc.

It was AGREED to hold this item over to the next meeting.

24/07/15.    Any urgent items for discussion

No items were raised.

24/07/17.   Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council is 18 September 2024 at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 20.35.