September 2024 Minutes


Wednesday 18 September 2024
Present: D. Waine (Chair) Debbie Whelan (Clerk), Cllrs W. Green, Cllr D. Dickinson, Cllr P Gregson, and Cllr. A Bradbury
Apologies: Cllr. J Land and Cllr. Sandford
One member of the public was present
24/09/01.     To receive apologies and reasons for absence
There were two apologies from Cllrs. Land and Sandford. These were ACCEPTED.
24/09/02    To receive declarations of interest on any item on the agenda
There were none received

24/09/03.    To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum

It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow for 15 minutes of public forum.
A member of the public raised concerns about the condition of the Buslingthorpe Road in addition the significant concerns of traffic on the road with respect to speed and size of vehicles: it is a backroad to Market Rasen and it is used frequently for short cuts. 
1.    It is a 60 mile an hour limit
2.    There is a significant lack of pavements for people to walk on.  
3.    Driveways are being used as passing places
The Chairperson responded that traffic issues continue to have significant impact on the village and this is an extended remit which can be added to the scope of the problem.
24/09/04.    Confirmation of Parish Council Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of the 17 July 2024 were APPROVED. 
24/09/05.    Reports from outside bodies taking any required action

There were none received. 

24/09/06    Residents issues, taking any required action. 

The issue was raised in the public forum and is reviewed in Minute item 9. 

24/09/07    Financial matters

Payments for this period were APPROVED.
-    The bank reconciliation was APPROVED 
-    The running budget was APPROVED subject to a requirement to amend the LALC payment
-    Banking arrangements update: The Clerk reported that HSBC require another mandate and that this is a prerequisite to apply for online banking. It was reported that the HSBC interest rates are decreasing in line with national trends. 
-    The Clerk reported on the process of internet banking and how the signatures would work. It was AGREED that this matter be held over for more consideration.
-    The Clerk will proceed with processing the 2023/2024 VAT claim.
-     The Clerk reported that the External Audit had been successful.

Cheque 101243     Glendale Countryside    £ 500.70 (incl. overpayment)
DD            Bank charges         £16.00
Cheque 101244    HMRC PAYE         £ 129.20
Cheque 101245    Clerk Salary            £ 193.60

There was a total of £847.50 spent
There was no interest received.

The closing total on the Business Current amount is £16, 189.53
The closing total on the Business Money Manager account is £30,975.13

24/09/08.    Community Speed Watch

The Solar Powered Speed Indicator needs information being downloaded from the system in order to establish evidence of speed issues. The Clerk is instructed to contact Cllrs. Land and Sandford with respect to the speed data. 

The Clerk circulated the brochure of the entry fences into the village. It was reported that WLDC has indicated that they will consider the position of the gates once a submission had been made to them. It was raised that these may not be possible in areas where there are footpaths. It was AGREED that this is too expensive and that the Parish Council will continue to champion Highways. It is noted that Buslingthorpe Road has a different issue and the Clerk is to write to Lincolnshire County Council and raise the issue which have been noted in the public session. 

As Cllr. Land was absent, the item regarding signage is held over.

24/09/09.    Planning matters

-    There were no new planning matters received. It was reported that the Parish Council response to Planning matter WL/2024/00531 has not appeared on the website. The Clerk is to query this with WLDC.
-    The planning protocols have been added into the Standing Orders

24/09/10    Correspondence

There was none received

24/09/11    Playground areas

In the absence of Cllr. Land, this was held over to the next meeting.

24/09/12    LALC and website maintenance

The Clerk noted that we were still within our budget with the website maintenance.

The Clerk reported that the Cloud Next subsidy had been successful and that the email addresses will be set up soon. 

24/09/14    Adoption of standing orders, etc.

The approval of the Standing Orders and other documents of Council have been held over until the November meeting. 

24/09/15.     Any urgent items for discussion

Poppy Wreath – it was AGREED that the Council purchase a wreath to the value of £25.00. 

A parishioner has offered two types of poppies which could go onto the lamp posts through the village. It was AGREED that we could match another £25 pounds of donation for the village lamp posts. 

Staff Review: It was AGREED this can be held over to the next meeting given that the Terms of Reference will need to be adopted. 

Budget: A Draft Budget needs to be drawn up for the November meeting. It was AGREED that Cllr. Gregson and Cllr. Green meet with the Clerk in this regard.

Website: Cllr. Sandford had raised the issue about a Faldingworth Parish Council in the WLDC website. It was AGREED that the Clerk raise this with WLDC

24/09/17.    Next Meeting
Next meeting 20 November 2024.
The meeting closed at 20.40