May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 15th May 2024
Present: D. Waine (Chair) Debbie Whelan (Clerk), Cllrs W. Green, Cllr D. Dickinson, Cllr P Gregson, Cllr. J Land and Cllr. A Bradbury
No members of the public were present
24/05/01 Election of Chair and receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Councillor Waine opened the meeting. Cllr Green proposed and Cllr Gregson seconded Cllr Waine as Chair. This was APPROVED unanimously. Cllr Waine signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
24/05/02. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
There were no apologies.
24/05/03. To receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office
Councillors completed Confirmations of receipt of Code of Conduct, Register of Interests (or confirmation of unchanged circumstances), and Acceptance of Office.
24/05/04. Election of Vice-Chair
Cllr Green was voted in as being Vice Chair.
24/05/05. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum
It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow for 15 minutes of public forum.
There were no members of the public present.
24/05/06. Confirmation of Parish Council Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting of the 20 March were APPROVED.
The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the 18th April were APPROVED.
24/05/07. Memorial Hall Management Committee
Cllr Gregson was appointed as representative on the Memorial Hall Management Committee.
24/05/08. Playing field inspections
Cllr Gregson proposed Cllr Waine. This was seconded and ADOPTED. However, Cllr. Land offered to do the playing field inspection training and it was AGREED that the Clerk approach LALC to establish when the next training session would be.
24/05/09. Defibrillator maintenance
Cllr Waine is the current guardian of the defibrillator. It was RESOLVED that he continue in this role. Cllr. Land indicated that he would be able to take this on, given the correct training.
24/05/10. Speed Indicator Device
The Speed Indicator Device has arrived. Cllr. Land will put it up on an approved pole. It was AGREED that this be situated on the existing pole on the Village Green and that the old one be moved to a site on the Spridlington Road.
24/05/11. Financial Matters, taking any required action
The Year End accounts were tabled and ACCEPTED.
Year End Accounts - to receive and approve reports
• Bank Reconciliation 2023/24 APPROVED
• Variance Report 2023/24 APPROVED
• Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 APPROVED
• Accounting Statements 2023/24 APPROVED
• Internal Auditors Report 2023/24 APPROVED
Recommendations from the tabled audit infer the following actions:
- The Clerk to prepare clear documentation re. Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Publications Policy, Staffing Policy, GDPR etc.
- The Council to investigate moving to a email address
- Move to online banking and caveat about changing banks
- Ensure there is continual reference to the approved budget
The following payments were APPROVED.
*an issue with the Bank accepting / clearing the cheque paid to the Contractor for cleaning the playground equipment led to the Clerk paying the contractor and then requiring reimbursement.
This is a total of £7458.38 in payments for the period.
There was no income recorded.
The Clerk recorded that all efforts to contact Gallagher Insurance for a clarity on the insurance premium, in addition to adding the new Speed Indicator Device, had borne no fruit. It was AGREED that the Clerk continue to contact AJ Gallagher and establish the parameters of the insurance uptick and add the Speed Indicator to the insurance.
As of the 4 May 2024, the balance in the CURRENT ACCOUNT stands at £25,675.77
As of the 4 May 2024, the balance in the BUSINESS ACCOUNT stands at £30,814.66
24/05/12. Updates from outside bodies
There were no updates from any outside bodies.
24/05/13. Resident Issues, taking any required action
There was a complaint from a resident about cherry trees growing in their verge which need to be removed. It was AGREED that the Clerk contact Highways and establish a way forward.
24/05/15. Playing Field issues, taking any required action
Cllr. Waine reported that the contractor had carried out a good job on cleaning the play equipment in the Play Area. The contractor has one issue remaining which they will complete. Cllr. Land volunteered to mend the fence adjacent to the entry gate on the Playing Field.
24/05/16. Planning Matters
Planning protocols will be carried over to the next meeting in line with the requirements of the audit..
24/05/17. Correspondence and updates on previous actions and action required
The Clerk reported that a parishioner had complained about the overgrown hedges on the Lincoln Road parallel with Compton Drive. It was NOTED that the maintenance of these hedges is not the responsibility of Highways or the Parish Council, but the responsibility of the residents on Compton Drive.
24/05/18. Any urgent items for discussion
It was noted that one Expression of Interest for co-option onto Council had been received, but that the applicant was only available at the next meeting. It was AGREED that co-option be held over until this meeting.
24/05/19. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council is 17 July 2024 at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 20.55.