March 2023 Minutes




Memorial Hall Faldingworth

Wednesday 22 March 2023

PRESENT    D.Waine (Chair), D.Dickinson, S.Harkins, P.Gregson, M. Thompson, W.Green, A Lilywhite, D Whelan, (Clerk)

Cllr. Grimble

No members of the public were present.

23/03/01 Apologies and Reasons for Absence


23/03/02 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda

There were none

23/03/03 To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum

Since there were no members of the public present it was resolved to continue with the meeting.

23/03/04 Confirmation of Minutes

Parish Council Meeting    18 January 2023

It was unanimously Resolved to approve the Minutes with the condition that the VAT be included on the Glendale item.

23/03/05 Reports from outside bodies, taking any required action
Cllr. Gregson reported that the Village Hall Committee will be running cream teas, and other community activities at the time of the Coronation on the 6th May.

Cllr Grimble indicated that at the time of the meeting there was no resolution on the planned relocation of asylum seekers to Scampton Airforce Base.

23/03/06 Residents' issues, taking any required action

None required

23/03/07 War Memorial

The final lease document was received on the 26h January. It is dated 25th January and it expires on the 24th January 2028. Kisimul must be given one week’s notice of any event at the site, such as Remembrance Sunday. It was noted that the Lease will be stored in the filing cabinet in Cllr. Green’s garage.

Resolved - that a) Kisimul be notified that subject to weather, it is hoped to erect the soldier within the next two weeks in the agreed position, and b) that they be thanked for generously making the site available for the Memorial.

23/03/08 Financial Matters taking any required action

To approve payments -

It was unanimously Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment:

ICO (Insurance) annual payment    £35.00

Bank charges for January, February and March 2023    £32.00

Clerks wages January, February and March 2023    £485.64

To approve Bank Reconciliation -

March 2023 minutes tbl1

No monies were received in either the Business Current Account, or the Business Money Manager account. It was Resolved that the amounts be approved.

Banking arrangements -
A letter has been produced which records the Clerk as being the registered correspondent for the HSBC bank accounts with the view towards transferring to TSB after the end of the tax year once the Council have returned the tax.

Appointment of Auditor -

Andy Hopkins has indicated that he would act as auditor for us at the amount of £150.

It was Resolved that the Council appoint Andy Hopkins as our Auditor for the last tax year.

23/03/09 Community Speed Watch

A Community Speed Watch meeting was held on March 9 and there was only one member of the public present. It was Resolved that this is to be held over for the moment.

23/03/10 Bench on Buslingthorpe Road.

Cllr. Dickinson has indicated that he no longer has time to replace it.

23/02/11 Planning Matters

Planning application Ref 146072 has been granted by WLDC. It was Resolved that this be noted.

23/03/12 Correspondence and Updates on previous actions  taken and any required action

None received

23/03/13 Grass Cutting Tenders

Tenders were recorded as being received from

Glendale - £2380 plus VAT
AJ Williams Paddocks and Grounds maintenance £2512.00 plus VAT
Ian Moore Contracting - £4900.00

It was Resolved that the Council accept the tender submitted by Glendale and that the Clerk contact all tenderers and inform them of the decision.
23/03/14 Playground areas

There are a number of items which are recorded as being low and medium risk. These items are noted and will be monitored.

The wooden play equipment is aging and is flagged. The Council need to consider replacing the wooden play equipment and it would be ideal if the Council has a procedure for the inspection and the replacement of many of the wooden items in the play area.

Damage to the treads on the play equipment which was replaced by John Land. This is flagged as being dangerous.

It was Resolved that two Councillors approach John Land and raise this with him. The Clerk will arrange a date with John Land and contact Cllr Waine who will arrange a second Councillor to meet.

23/03/15 LALC Website Maintenance

It was reported that the LALC scheme has worked well since its introduction and there are still unspent hours available to use. It was therefore Resolved that LALC be advised that the Council wish to continue to use the scheme

23/03/16 Insurance Renewal

Members were reminded that the Insurers offered a three year tie in which ensures no increase in premiums over the period. The policy will therefore renew with last year’s premium, and no further action is required.

23/03/17 Forthcoming elections

Electoral bundles were handed out to the Councillors who indicated that they wanted to stand for reelection.

23/03/18 Any urgent matters for discussion

There were none raised.
The meeting closed at 8.41pm.

Next Meeting 17th May 2023