January 2023 Minutes


Memorial Hall Faldingworth
Wednesday 18th January 2023

PRESENT   D.Waine (Chair), D.Dickinson, S.Harkins, P.Gregson, M. Thompson, W.Green, D.Whelan (Clerk) 

FOUR members of the public were present.

23/01/1 Apologies and Reasons for Absence  Ann Lilywhite did not receive the notice of the meeting timeously and thus was not present. 

23/01/02 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda  There were none  23/01/03 To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum 

The applicant for the housing development (agenda item number 11) planning application said he was disappointed that the application had refused by WLDC, and said it was his intention to re-submit with minor tweaks. The applicant will reapply and would like to attend the Parish Council meeting to present his proposal. The applicant was advised he could address the Parish Council during the public forum if or when a new application was submitted.

Residents of Hutton Way noted that the yearly maintenance for Ground Solutions has increased significantly. The background lies in the history of transfers between the builder and Ground Solutions. Whilst this issue does not lie as a responsibility of the Parish Council, the issue was noted and would be borne in mind in the event of any future development being considered by the Parish Council. Independent householders could raise it with their solicitors.

23/01/04 Confirmation of Minutes

Parish Council Meeting - 16th November 2022
Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council - 2nd November 2022

It was unanimously Resolved to approve the Minutes of both meetings; with the condition that the minutes of the 5th October (rather than the 14th as appears in the Minutes) as correct, and they were signed by the Chair.

23/01/05 Reports from outside bodies, taking any required action

None received

23/01/06 Residents' issues, taking any required action 

See items raised in the public forum.

23/01/07 War Memorial

Cllr Green reported that the lease has now been signed and will be returned to Kisimul. Kisimul will then send the formal lease to the Parish Council. 

23/01/08 Financial Matters taking any required action

Approval of Accounts for Payment: 

It was unanimously Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment- 


Approval of Bank Reconciliation:

It was reported that the balance on the HSBC Current account was £13081.44 (including uncleared cheques) and on the Business Money Manager account was £30164.67. It was Resolved unanimously to note the bank reconciliation

Budget: Following the submission of the provisional precept to WLDC it was noted that a small amendment was required to the budget to ensure no increase in the precept. A reduction of the budgeted amount for stationery and office supplies from £150 50 £100 would give a reduction of £50. It was Resolved that the revised budget be agreed.

Precept: It was Resolved that a precept at £9550.00 be submitted to WLDC, which represents a decrease of £0.03% from last year. 

Banking arrangements: HSBC require a formal letter confirming that Debbie Whelan is the new Clerk and that she needs to take over the banking. It was Resolved that HSBC be given the necessary letter. 

In view of the changes now made by HSBC for banking, it was Resolved that the Clerk be authorized to make the necessary arrangements to transfer banking from HSBC to TSB as better terms are offered. 

23/01/09 Community Speed Watch 

Cllr Thompson reported that he would set up a public meeting on Wednesday 22 February 2023 at 7.30pm with respect to the Community Speed Watch. This initiative will be advertised on the notice boards, Facebook and on the website.

23/01/10 Bench on Buslingthorpe Road. 

Cllr. Dickinson has removed the bench and will reconstruct a bench using the Coronation ends held by the Parish Council. 

23/01/11 Planning Matters  Planning application Ref 145887 for the three dwellings on Lincoln Road has been refused by WLDC. 

It was Resolved that this be noted.

23/01/12 Correspondence and Updates on previous actions taken and any required action 

Correspondence with WLDC with respect to the Precept was noted.

22/11/13 Any urgent items for discussion  The Parish Council will have its annual elections in May. 

It was Resolved that WLDC be asked what the procedure is for existing Councillors to stand for election and to immediately circulate any material in this regard.

Rotary Club of Market Rasen has donated a quantity of daffodil and crocus bulbs to be planted in the village. It was Resolved that the Club be thanked for the bulbs and that volunteers be welcomed on 28th January at 10.30 at the Village Hall. 

The meeting closed at 8.51pm.

Next Meeting 15th March 2023