July 2022 DRAFT Minutes
Memorial Hall Faldingworth
Wednesday 20th July at 7.30 pm
PRESENT D.Waine (Chair), D.Dickinson , S.Harkins, P.Gregson, A.Lillywhite, M.Thompson, W.Green (Acting Clerk)
1. Apologies and Reasons for Absence
There were none.
2. To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda
There were none
3. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum
As no members of the public were present the Chair proposed to proceed to the next item and it was unanimously Resolved to move to item 4
4. Confirmation of Minutes
Extraordinary Council Meeting 27th April 2022
Parish Council Meeting 18th May 2022
It was unanimously Resolved to approve the Minutes of both meetings as correct, and they were signed by the Chair.
5. Reports from outside bodies, taking any required action
Police - An incident of door to door selling had been reported. The police searched the area, to no gain.
County and District Councillors - No reports received.
6. Residents' issues, taking any required action
Two residents had raised the issue of speeding through the village. The Chair deferred discussion in view of item 10 on the Agenda.
War Memorial It was reported that terms for a lease of a proposed site for the Memorial had been agreed with Kisimul, and a draft Lease for approval was now awaited from their solicitors.
7. Appointment of Web Monitor
It was reported that Mr Peter Langford had been retained as Webmonitor to manage the Council's website, as authorised at the previous meeting. The scheme is arranged through LALC, and the cost is £150 plus vat, for 10 hours work. The Webmonitor had advised that the site required certain work and adjustments to make it properly compliant. The appointment was noted, and it was unanimously Resolved that in the event of the initial 10 hours work being exceeded, a further 5 hours be purchased at a pro rata cost of £75 plus vat.
8. Financial matters, taking any required action
Approval of accounts for payment:
It was unanimously Resolved to approve the following account for payment-
Chq no Ref Details Total inc vat
101177 Jubilee donation Faldingworth Village Hall £100.00
101178 Grass cutting 3469 Glendale £193.18
101179 Website Maintenance LALC £180.00
101180 Grass cutting 3565 Glendale £269.98
Bank Charges HSBC Business A/C charges £13.00
Total £756.16
Approval of Bank reconciliation:
Acting RFO Cllr Gregson reported that the balance on the HSBC current account after expenditure was £13766.41
Resolved unanimously to approve the bank reconciliation
Banking Arrangements
Cllr Gregson reported that it was possible to set up online banking with HSBC which would still cost the Council £8 per month for the account, but would avoid the charge of £1 per cheque. She also reported that an account could be opened with TSB which would be free of charge for 2 years, after which there would be a monthly fee.
It was considered sensible to pursue the TSB new account option, but in view of the possible appointment of a new Clerk, it was unanimously Resolved to defer action at the present time.
9. To consider the results of the Survey carried out for Lincs CC in April
A detailed survey of traffic speeds through the village undertaken by the Lincs Road Traffic Partnership had been received by the Council, which concluded that the average speed was 38.3mph, in the 40 mph stretch of road, with one non speed related collision being reported. The results did not reach the required threshold for speed curbing measures to be implemented. The report did however highlight the fact that speed restriction measures were only one approach, and that others, particularly through the police, were available. Members were disappointed that no measures were being proposed to reduce speed through the village, which was such a matter of concern to residents.
Members wished to know at what time of day the survey had been taken and therefore Resolved that this information be sought to be reported to the next meeting. It was further Resolved that the residents who had raised speeding concerns (see item 6) be advised of the survey results, and that encouragement be given to any residents who wished to consider ways to collect information to be reported to the police.
10. Any updates on the speed monitor
Members were reminded of the difficulty of keeping the current monitors charged and that the alternative of solar powered monitors was extremely expensive. Resolved that a further attempt to secure volunteers from the village to manage the speed monitors be made, possibly using the Facebook Residents site.
11. Authority for payment of recurring invoices where contract approved -Glendale grass and hedge cutting
Each year the Council accepts a quotation for a specified number of cuts of grass and hedges in areas which it maintains. The Contractor for the current year presents an invoice monthly for the work undertaken that month, in line with the annual contract.
In the past the Council has been advised that these invoices can be paid as the work is pre-approved, bur recently a contrary view had been expressed. To put the matter beyond doubt it was unanimously Resolved that authority be given for payment of monthly invoices when they are received, where they are in line with the approved annual contract
12. Playing field issues
It was reported that WLDC had been asked whether their dog warden service was still available to enable a decision to be made concerning dogs on the playing field, but that information had not yet been received. Members were reminded that one quotation had been received for fencing off a designated are of the field to allow dogs to be brought onto the area, in the sum of £13000. A second quotation was still awaited as the contractor had requested further information before submitting a quote. Resolved that consideration of the issue be deferred to a future meeting
14. Planning Matters
Planning application ref 145032 and Listed Building Consent application 145034 re Stamp's Mill High Street, for the conversion and extension of the existing mill to create 1 no. dwelling
After a discussion, it was Resolved to object for the following reasons:
Does not comply with planning policies
Would adversely affect the setting of a listed building
Proposed access is at a dangerous point on the A46, close to a sharp bend with poor visibility. The supporting statement refers to an 'existing access' but this is not an approved access, there being no dropped kerb, and no hard surfacing.
The lamppost on the opposite side of the road has been hit twice in recent months.
15. Correspondence and updates on previous actions taking any required action
Confirmation has been received from Insurers that the current year's insurance is in place at a price fixed for three years
WLDC Service of Remembrance 31st July 2022
Receipt of a Freedom of Information request from a resident
Request from a new company to be allowed to tender for future grass cutting
It was Resolved items be noted
16. Future Meetings
It was Resolved that the following meeting dates be approved, and added to the Council's website:
21st September 2022; 16th November 2022; 18th January 2023 and 15th March 2023
17. Recruitment
It was reported that one application for the post of Clerk had been received with an interview arranged by the Staffing Committee for 19th July, but unfortunately this had been cancelled and was now re-arranged for 25th July.
18. Any urgent items for discussion.
There were none.
Next Meeting: 21st September 2022
The Meeting closed at 8.30pm.