January 2022 Agenda



eMail faldingworthpc@hotmail.com






You are hereby invited to attend the Faldingworth Parish Council meeting, which will be held in the Memorial Hall, Faldingworth on Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 19:30.


The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the attached agenda.


The meeting is open to the public and there will be a public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council in relation to the business on the agenda.


The Clerk may also be contacted prior to the meeting if you wish any views on agenda items to be raised with the Parish Council before matters are formally discussed.


As Covid rates remain high, we kindly request that a safe distance from others is maintained and you consider wearing a face covering whilst in the Hall.



Andy Hopkins, Parish Clerk                                                                    10 January 2022







  1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
  2. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda
    Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting


  1. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum


  1. Confirmation of Parish Minutes

To confirm that the minutes of the following meetings are a true and correct record of that which took place:

Council Meeting 17 November 2021


  1. Updates from Police, taking any required action

To receive a brief update


  1. Updates from County and District Councillors, taking any required action

To receive a brief update


  1. Resident Issues, taking any required action

Feedback from any meetings, email enquiries from residents etc.

  • War Memorial
  • Leaves walkway between Church and School
  • Others


  1. Financial Matters, taking any required action
  • To approve payments for this period
  • Bank Reconciliation to be noted
  • Update on moving bank
  • Budget to be agreed for 2022/23
  • Precept to be agreed and requested from WLDC
  • Appointment of Auditor


  1. Draft Communication Policy
    To consider adopting draft policy


  1. Draft GDPR Policy
    To consider adopting draft policy


  1. Annual Village Inspection, taking any required action



  1. Dog Fouling Issue on Playing Field, taking any required action

To discuss problems and consider way forward


  1. Planning Matters
    Planning Applications, Consents and Refusals received


  1. Correspondence & Updates on previous actions and taking any required action

Councillors and Clerk to update


  1. Any urgent items for discussion
    Matters can be discussed and may become future agenda items.  Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman or Clerk 24 hours prior to the meeting


Next Meeting Wednesday 16th March 2022