March 2025 Agenda




Notice is hereby given of an Ordinary Meeting of Faldingworth Parish Council which will be held in the Memorial Hall Faldingworth on Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 7.30pm.

The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the attached agenda.

The meeting is open to the public and there will be a public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council in relation to the business on the agenda.

The Clerk may also be contacted prior to the meeting if you wish any views on agenda items to be raised with the Parish Council before matters are formally discussed.

Debbie Whelan, Parish Clerk                         4 March 2025



1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence

2. To receive declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda

Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting

3. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum

4. Parish Council Minutes to be approved and signed as Minutes:

Minutes of meeting 22 January 2025

5. Reports from outside bodies, taking any required action:

- None received

6. Residents issues, taking any required action:

- None received

7. Financial Matters:

- To approve payments for this period

- Bank Reconciliation to be noted

- Banking arrangements update: Unity Bank/ Hampshire Trust Bank

- Internet banking

- VAT claim

- Insurance

8. Community Speed watch:

- Update on monitoring of Solar powered Speed Indicator

9. Planning Matters:

- None received

 10. Correspondence:

- None received

11. Playground areas:

- Wicksteed inspection

- Grass Cutting

12. LALC and website maintenance

- Update on website maintenance usage

- Adoption of official email addresses as per audit

- LALC training

14. Walkaround Village

15. Staffing matters

16. Urgent items for discussion

17. Resignation of Cllr. Gregson
18. Next Meeting