January 2025 Minutes
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Wednesday 22 January 2025
Present: D. Waine (Chair) Debbie Whelan (Clerk), Cllrs W. Green, Cllr D. Dickinson, Cllr. A Bradbury, Cllr. J Land and Cllr. Sandford
Apologies: Cllr P. Gregson
25/01/01. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr. Gregson tendered apologies.
25/01/02 To receive declarations of interest on any item on the agenda
There were none received
25/01/03. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum
It was RESOLVED to suspend the meeting to allow for 15 minutes of public forum.
25/01/04. Confirmation of Parish Council Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting of the 20 November 2024 were APPROVED.
25/01/05. Reports from outside bodies taking any required action
There were none received.
25/01/06 Residents issues, taking any required action.
There were none received
25/01/07 Financial matters
- Payments for this period were APPROVED.
- The bank reconciliation was APPROVED
- Banking arrangements update: The Clerk reported that they would proceed with opening the Unity Bank account. Cllr. Green reported that the Hampshire Trust Bank has a variety of bonds with different interest rates which may be preferential for investments. It has easy access and variable access. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will investigate Hampshire Bank for fixed term deposits.
- Internet Banking will be set up with the Unity Bank.
- The Clerk will proceed with processing the 2023/2024 VAT claim.
- The final budget was APPROVED. The Clerk is to return the precept form to WLDC.
The payments for this period are:
DD Bank Charges to 3 December £ 10.00
DD Bank Charges to 3 January £ 13.00
Cheque 101252 Glendale November/December £419.50
Cheque 101254 HMRC PAYE £207.20
Cheque 101253 Clerk Salary £311.20
Cheque 101251 LALC Training 2025/2026 £132.00
DD ICO – GDPR protection £ 40.00
A Total of £ 1,132.90 was spent
An amount of £ 148.24 interest was received.
The closing total on the Business Current amount is £14,565.77.
NOTE: This continues to reflect the overpayment/repayment of the Glendale account of an amount of £43.66.
The closing total on the Business Money Manager account is £ 31,273.23
25/01/08. Community Speed Watch
Cllr. Land tried to download the App to upload the data from the Speed Indicator and it is not Mac compatible. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact the vendor to establish the best course of action and revert to Cllrs. Land and Sandford.
Cllr. Land requested that we purchase more speed signs. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Land investigates the availability and cost of speed signs to raise at the next meeting. Cllr. Land will also investigate the option for conducting a Community Speed Watch project.
25/01/09. Planning matters
There were no planning matters received. Cllr. Dickinson raised that the Cabin development is still active, although full approval is not available.
25/01/10 Correspondence
There was none received.
25/01/11 Playground areas
The Clerk has requested Wicksteed to inspect the Playing Fields and Play areas. This will hopefully be complete by the next meeting. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk is to contact Wicksteed to confirm that we do have a playground schedule and also that we have excavated the posts for repair.
25/01/12 LALC and website maintenance
The Clerk noted that we were still within our budget with the website maintenance.
The Clerk reported that the Cloud Next subsidy had been successful and that the GOV.UK email addresses have been set up as per recommendations of the audit.
25/01/13. LALC training
Cllr. Land raised the potential of his training as Playground Inspector be extended to the examination route. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk contact LALC and establish the scope of the full qualification in order that this can be raised at the next meeting and mitigate the requirement for annual inspections.
The Clerk noted that LALC had sent out an email about JURA training supporting website maintenance. Cllr. Sandford indicated interest. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk pursue this with LALC.
The Clerk will circulate available LALC courses for the next financial year.
25/01/14. Walkabout of the village.
This item is deferred to the next meeting.
25/01/15. Staffing Committee
The Staffing Committee was convened on the 12 December 2024. Cllr. Dickinson, Cllr. Green and Cllr. Gregson carried out the appraisal. The Staffing Committee acknowledged the Clerk’s work. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk be advanced one point on the salary scale.
25/01/16. Urgent items for discussion
There were none.
25/01/17. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on 19 March 2025 at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 20.35pm