July 2020 Agenda
The Willows, Old Wood, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln LN6 5UA
Tel: 07922 312159
Email: faldingworth@btinternet.com
Website: http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Faldingworth/
A Parish Council meeting will be held online on Wednesday 15 July 2020 commencing at 11am. The meeting can be accessed by the public. Please contact the Clerk prior to the meeting for access information.
The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the attached agenda.
The meeting is open to the public and there will be a 5-minute public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council in relation to the business on the agenda. The Clerk may also be contacted prior to the meeting if you wish any views on agenda items to be raised with the Parish Council before matters are formally discussed.
1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest on any item on the Agenda.
Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting.
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies, taking any required action.
4. To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 5 minutes of public forum.
5. Notes of the Parish Council meetings held on:
15th January 2020 to be approved and signed as minutes.
6. Financial Matters
i. To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations to date
ii. To receive any feedback from the Community Support Group and approve the payment to the group agreed during lockdown.
iii. To approve accounts for payment
iv. To review spend against budget
v. To receive the Internal Auditor’s report
vi. To review the effectiveness of the system of internal control and consider the findings prior to completing the Annual Governance Statement on the Annual Return for 2019/20.
vii. To approve the Annual governance statement on the Annual Return for 2019/20.
viii. To consider the Accounting Statements by the members meeting as a whole
ix. To approve the Accounting Statements for 2019/20 on the Annual Return.
x. Accounting Statements to be signed and dated by the Chair
xi. To confirm that the Parish Council meets the exemption criteria for external audit and to complete the exemption certificate.
7. To consider arranging the annual play inspection
8. Correspondence - as per list.
To note correspondence received.
9. Planning Matters.
Planning Applications, Consents and Refusals received by the Parish Council
10. Any urgent items for discussion.
Matters can be discussed and may become future agenda items. Items will only be taken if notified to the Chairman or Clerk 24 hours prior to the meeting.
11. Date of next meeting.
To be confirmed
Sue Aikman
Clerk to Faldingworth Parish Council
10 July 2020